
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2018

What is the prediction that was spoken by Sudjiwo Tedjo about the winner of the 2019 presidential election, see his prediction here

Pojok Nasional .Culturalist Sudjiwo Tedjo predicted the winner of the 2019 Presidential Election. Sudjiwo Tedjo said that he had written the winner of the 2019 Presidential Election through a symbolic tale about Mbok Jamu. He wrote Sudjiwo Tedjo's predictions in a book that tells Mbok Jamu like Roro Mendut. "My predictions about the winner of the 2019 presidential election are in the symbolic tale about Roro Mendut's herbal medicine in my new book # SabdoCintaAngonKasih. Once Sabdo Palon from Mahajapit and Angon slave from Pajajaran got up. They, with love, made Mbok Jamu the chosen King, ' he wrote. Previously, through the Indonesian Lawyer Club (ILC) Youtube account which aired on Tuesday (6/11/18) under the title 'Sujiwo Tejo: I Am Not Courageous Jokowi's Criticism Because Raja Antoni and Cebong-cebong, he revealed several things. Sudjiwo Tedjo criticized the behavior of politicians. He considered that politicians must be intellectual. "If Pak Jokowi ha...

Sandiaga Uno: Selama Saya Berada Di Jawa Tengah, Banyak Sekali Keluhan Dari Masyarakat Tentang Ekonomi

Rakyat Utama . Sebelum bertolak ke Aceh, calon wakil presiden nomor urut 02, Sandiaga Uno sempat melaporkan kegiatan kampanye di sejumah Provinsi di Jawa Tengah kepada Prabowo Subianto pada Senin (19/11/2018) malam. Laporan kegiatan kampanye tersebut dilaporkan untuk kemudian dievaluasi bersama Prabowo untuk pemenangan Pemilu Presiden 2019. "Saya baru saja melaporkan ke pak Prabowo hasil kunjungan empat hari menyerap aspirasi di Kabupaten Temanggung, Kabupaten Magelang, Kabupaten Wonosobo dan Kabupaten Purworejo, di mana isu-isu lokal maupun yang dirasakan masyarakat di sana, semua terangkum," ujar Sandiaga di Kediaman Prabowo. Selama kampanye di Jawa Tengah tersebut, Sandi mengatakan kebanyakan keluhan masyarakat adalah masalah ekonomi. Mulai dari mahalnya harga kebutuhan pokok hingga sulitnya mencari kerja. "Harapannya kebijakan kebijakan kita yang lebih pro rakyat. Pertanian sebagai salah satu sektor di daerah Jawa Tengah, itu juga menjadi isu utama dari kampa...

Concerning Prabowo Subianto's Statement About the HI Roundabout that Will Immerse In 2025, Finally Realized by the Minister of PUPR

Rakyat Digital . PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono confirmed the presidential statement Prabowo Subianto's statement that sea water intrusion in North Jakarta is expected to reach the Hotel Indonesia (HI) Roundabout in 2025. "That's right, Pak Prabowo, according to the count," Basuki said at the Bogor Palace on Wednesday (11/21/2018). Basuki claimed to have said that in the next 15 years the HI Roundabout will sink by sea water, as the river flow in Jakarta can no longer empty into the sea due to land subsidence of 10 cm to 13 cm per year in the city of Jakarta. "Basuki said that the land subsidence was due to excessive groundwater extraction, so the government made the Karian reservoir and Jatiluhur drinking water supply system (SPAM) to fill water in Jakarta without absorbing groundwater. "The majority of all groundwater suction (fulfillment of water in Jakarta) is huge, and people have known for a long time," said Basuki. Previously, did Prabowo call ...

Prabowo Very Feeling Sad to See Indonesian Youth: Graduating from School to Ojek Driver

Channel Rakyat . Prabowo Subianto talked about the current youth career path. He highlighted the number of young people who after graduating from high school chose to become a motorcycle taxi driver. In the Indonesia Economic Forum 2018, Prabowo gave a speech in English. He talked about various things, including presenting data about Indonesia. "I hope, I don't want to hurt anyone, but this is the nature of political leaders, everything we say can be used against us," Prabowo said at Shangri-La Hotel, Jakarta, Wednesday (11/21/2018). Prabowo then concluded his speech with the current reality that was portrayed through memes. Through power point, he showed me a meme of 4 headgear, namely SD-SMP-SMP then a green helmet. "The one on the right was the elementary school hat, after he graduated, he went to middle school, after he graduated, he went to high school, and after graduating from high school, he became a motorcycle taxi driver. Sad, but this is a reality,"...

Claims Minister Susi Has Drowned 488 Fish Thieves in Indonesian Sea

Buletin Nasional . Kementrian Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP) yang dipimpin Susi Pudjiastuti mencatat sebanyak 633 kapal pelaku illegal fishing telah ditangkap sepanjang Januari 2017-Oktober 2018. Dengan komposisi 366 kapal ikan berbendera Indonesia dan 267 kapal ikan asing. Susi mengatakan dari jumlah tersebut sebanyak 488 kapal pelaku illegal fishing telah ditenggelamkan. "Sebanyak 488 kapal pelaku illegal fishing telah ditenggelamkan berdasarkan penetapan atau putusan pengadilan," Kata Susi di Jakarta,Kamis (22/11/2018). Selaku Komandan Satuan Tugas Pemberantas Penangkapan Ikan Secara Ilegal (Satgas 115), Susi mengatakan Satgas telah melaksanakan tugas-tugas penegakan hukum. Hingga saat ini satgas telah menangani 134 kasus illegal fishing, dimana 41 kasus telah mendapatkan keputusan pengadilan yang berkekuatan hukum tetap. “Hasil capaian kita sudah sangat baik. Dengan membuktikan penangkapan kapal ikan asing ini maka makin hari makin meningkat kinerjanya. ...

Rocky Gerung: Ensure Sovereignty for Progressing Indonesian People

Poros Nasional . Rocky Gerung considered, the Jokowi fish quiz was a form of fooling. The philosophy lecturer at the University of Indonesia (UI) Jakarta said that the fish quiz that was often carried out by the Indonesian President, Ir Joko Widodo, was a form of fooling. This was conveyed during the "Law Nation 21" program hosted by Director of UAD FH LLC, Muhammad Saleh, SH, with another speaker, Dean of the Law Faculty of Ahmad Dahlan University (UAD) Yogyakarta, Rahmat Muhajir Nugroho, SH, MH, at UAD Campus 2 Auditorium, Jl Pramuka Yogyakarta on Thursday (11/22/2018). The activity was in the form of a National Seminar and the opening ceremony of the 22nd FH FH with the theme of ensuring popular sovereignty for the sake of progressing Indonesia. In front of the Deputy Dean of Faculty of Law UAD, Dr. Norma Sari, Head of Legal Studies Wita Setyaningrum, SH, LLM and M Rifky Rachel Pondiu (Governor of BEM FH UAD), Rocky considered Jokowi's question form to children only at...

Overlapping the Extortion Problem in the Village

Tabloid Nasional . Lately, there has been increasingly discourse on illegal levies, to the extent that OTT occurs at the tourist attraction of Tirta Empul Temple, Bendesa Pakraman Manukaya Let is made a suspect. Why did this happen, it needs further investigation. Perhaps there are still differences of opinion in determining the conditions in the village. For example the difference between traditional villages and official villages. The levy seems to be a struggle between interest groups in the community. It is also reasonable, because there are uses, benefits in it. This paper hopes to be part of understanding the pros and cons of levies in Pakraman village. May be described as follows. The approach, from a historical social angle. Whereas in the past, people in Bali adopted a dual system in village government (traditional villages and official villages). During the kingdom, the king's government had implemented the system. At the grassroots, the village community applies a tradit...

The Campaign-Cawapres Campaign Has Not Touched the Development Program at All

Harian Press . The presidential candidate (vice president) and vice presidential candidate (vice presidential) campaign campaigns are considered still not touching on the vision, mission or development program. Supposedly, to produce quality leaders in the Presidential Election, the people need ideas and programs in accordance with the vision and mission carried out. "The essence of the campaign period is the disclosure of the mission and program vision. Unfortunately, exactly two months into the campaign period, the vision and program have not been explored," said Director of Community Synergy for Democracy (Sigma), Said Salahudin, in public discussion. and Paslon 2019 Law ", in Jakarta, Friday (11/23). He saw, throughout this campaign period, both the presidential / vice presidential candidate and the success team actually touted the vision, mission and program out of context. Including out of the vision, mission and programs that were submitted officially to the KPU. ...

KPK: Nearly 61 Percent of Corruptors Are Political Actors

Pojok Pos . The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) will hold the 2018 National Corruption Eradication Conference (KNPK) in Jakarta on December 4, 2018. Unlike the previous similar activities, in the 13th KNPK, the KPK placed political parties as the main concern with the theme 'Realizing an Integrity System Political Parties in Indonesia '. "This is the first KNPK after being held 12 times before which put Political Parties as the main concern," said KPK spokesman Febri Diansyah via a short message on Friday (11/23). Febri explained the reasons for the KPK to make political parties a major concern in this year's KNPK. As explained, since its establishment, the KPK has ensnared 891 corruptors. Of these, 61.17 percent of which or 545 corruptors handled by the KPK came from political elements. "If read from the KPK case handling data, to date around 61.17% of perpetrators have been processed in cases of corruption with political dimensions," he said. F...

Sandiaga Uno: If Hercules Break the Law, Must Be Determined Strictly

Kanal Utama . Candidate for Vice President Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno said that there was no information regarding the arrest of the youth leader Hercules Rosario Marshal. The Hercules has been secured at the West Jakarta Police Station. "Of course we are a state of law, Mr. Prabowo and I are many friends. When I want to go to Malang three weeks ago I met (Hercules) at the airport, we hugged, there was a picture," said Sandiaga in South Jakarta, Thursday (11/22) ) He said, if the apparatus considered that there was a violation of the law against Hercules, it was immediately processed by law. Criminal acts committed by Hercules related to the arrest of 23 thugs who controlled the certified land and intimidated landowners in Kalideres, West Jakarta, on Tuesday (6/11). "Prabowo-Sandi, we ensure that we want to uphold the law as fairly as possible. Because he is a friend of Prabowo-Sandi, he is punished, because he is his friend the president or cleric of Ma'ruf, not to be ...

Finally, the spread of pornographic content is officially spread in Setop

Pojok Nasional . Other people do, you might even get the stone. This is why people should stop spreading pornographic content for any reason. Whether it's forwarding it from a conversation application like WhatsApp, and deliberately uploading it to social media, it would be better if the pornographic content stops you. Because, in addition to having an impact on the parties concerned, spreading pornographic content can make you entangled in criminal law. "KPAI appealed not to distribute videos that contain elements of pornography and violence. If we accept the share, it is enough to stop at us, do not disseminate it again," said Retno Listyarti, Commissioner of the Indonesian Child Protection Commission in the education sector. Not only that, storing pornographic content can also be dangerous for minors. Even if they accidentally see it, for example on a parent's cellphone. According to child psychologist Ruth Zulhaqqi, consumption of pornographic content is not at al...

Villages in Aceh Harm Use of Wifi in Public Places

Rakyat Utama . A village in Aceh Province issued a decree forbidding the use of wireless networks (WiFi) because it was considered to be misused by students in the region. The village that forbids WiFi is Curee Baroh, Simpang Mamplam District, Bireuen Regency. The appeal was issued after consultation with all local village officials held on Tuesday (11/13). In the appeal of the results of the meeting it was stated, the reason for the ban was because of the large number of coffee shops in the local village that provided free WiFi facilities. This has resulted in the rollicking of minors hanging out in coffee shops to surf in cyberspace. The children are also known to access various pornographic content in the activity. "Considering the consequences caused by WiFi networks that damage the younger generation, especially underage children, because WiFi is now very rampant, so this is in accordance with the results of the meeting's decision that all WiFi network owners in Curee Bar...